Friday 24 October 2014


There’s been a lot of talk about advertising alcohol lately because of a new law that bans it. I doubt that this will help with alcoholism and all the problems related to it. I think the attitude towards drinking in Finland (and other countries as well) is bizarre. On one side we have people think of alcohol as a taboo, a thing that should be hidden and not talked about. On the other hand some boast about how much they drink and laugh at mishaps that happened last weekend when so-and-so had a few too many.

NOTE: I am not criticising anyone’s personal drinking habits, that’s none of my business. I’m talking about the drinking culture.

I don’t think I was ever told not to drink. It was clear to me as a child that it’s not for me. But because my parents never made a big deal out of it, I didn't feel the urge to try it. Then when I grew up to be old enough to try it, I felt it was my responsibility to know if I wanted to drink or how much I wanted to drink. I don’t know if I was smart enough for that, but at least I was trusted enough to make that decision for myself.

The word “no” is always tempting for a child or teenager who is still learning and testing their limits. It’s like telling a kid not to look in that certain cupboard right before Christmas. Of course they’re gonna go and snoop around to see if there’s any presents hiding there. I think this is what happens when you are too strict about things like alcohol. When you deny something so strictly from people they get curious and when they get a chance, they will over do it because for once they can.

One of my favourite sayings is “everything in moderation”. It applies to food, to exercise, to work and to alcohol. Of course it’s important to teach kids about the dangers of alcohol and drugs etc. But I’d like to think that when I have kids of my own, I will be able to show them that there are more options than the two extremes - zero tolerance or binge drinking. I think letting a teenager taste wine or beer when they’re around family isn't going to make them an alcoholic, on the contrary—it will teach them that there is a way to enjoy a reasonable amount with a nice meal, or on a night out.

So cheers! Here’s to a healthy (drinking) culture where everything is tolerated and consumed in moderation.

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